Contribute 1

An incomplete wishlist:

  1. An EP-savvy cardiologist/critical care MD who would screen future cases for bullsh*t before I post them.
  2. Feedback/discussion. Comment on that strip and get it going!
  3. In-line evidence. I rarely include citations, because my interpretations are based on an enigmatic mix of literature and texts that I may or may not be remembering correctly (not all of which agree with each other). If you know of the landmark paper or review article or current textbook reference that reinforces a ‘take home point’ or interpretation,  please feel free to post up- we will all be very thankful. Better yet than an actual reference is an actual link to an open-source PDF or another webpage with access or direct quotation of the reference.
  4. Interesting tele or defibrillator strips (or 12Ls with devious findings) that have immediate management implications. De-identify, scan, and mail.
  5. A web guru who would help me make some minor tweaks to make the site more functional. The most useful addition to the site would be a script that would allow the use of virtual calipers in an easy and ergonomic way.
  6. If you have more money than you know what to do with, strongly consider donating via Paypal to cover my site costs (direct link here).


General comments or concerns:



I owe many sincere thanks to the reviewers who went over the initial strips, for their time and spirited education:

  • Dr. Iyer, Dr. Wang, Dr. Biviano, Dr. Lambrakos, Dr. Wan, and Dr. Grauer (plus a few others)
  • As well as Ernie C. (EMT-P) for a huge amount of proofreading and site design feedback during the birthing throes.

(Note: any errors on the pages are my own, most likely my own misunderstanding of their expert commentary. But only you are accountable when taking this to the bedside. Please see the disclaimer.)


Finally- many thanks to the folks at Magic Toolbox for noncommercial use of their ‘magiczoom‘ tool.

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One comment on “Contribute

  1. Reply Richard White Nov 12,2013 19:54


    The site is better and better. Im trying to spread the word


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