Tom Grundy's Asian Critters Travels Page

We saw a number of interesting critters in Asia, including rather large spiders, lizards, sea life, monkeys, birds, odd glowing bugs and a few snakes. I wasn't always able to get good, or even any photos, but here are a few of the ones I did.
This page is not at all finished. In fact I am just getting started.

There were two types of monkeys we saw regularly, the long-tailed macaque monkeys were more numerous and more likely to come down close to where we were. There were also dusky langurs, also known as Phayre's leaf monkey I think. They are mostly black with white around their eyes and mouth. Although I didn't see any this trip we also heard gibbons calling from time to time, mostly in the morning or evening. They usually sounded pretty sad.

the dominant male macaque watches the troop
picture of monkey
young monkey
picture of monkey
young monkey
picture of monkey
Monkey (at Wat Tham Seua)
picture of monkey
monkeys jumping into the water from the tree
picture of monkey
monkeys grooming
picture of monkey
dusky langur
picture of monkey
Monkey at Batu Caves
picture of monkey
picture of lizard
a gecko patrols our bungalow for bugs
picture of lizard
a monitor lizard on a palm tree
picture of lizard
a tiny toad
picture of toad
hornbill bird (lousy picture, but it is identifiable)
picture of hornbill
Ostrich head (ok, it was in a zoo)
picture of ostrich
crab harvesting algae at low tide
picture of crab
flock of fruit bats heading inland in the evening
picture of bats
zoom in on fruit bats
picture of bats
golden orb weaver spider
picture of spider
they were really big (fingers for scale)
picture of spider

Sand bubbler crabs (Dotilla fenestrate) would dig small balls of sand out of their holes and pile it up on the surface, they also scraped through the surface sand looking for edibles and piled the refuse up in little balls.(the sand balls from the burrows seemed to be larger than the foraging ones) Some created rather geometric designs and others just seemed to put them wherever they could. A certain zone of the beach was really covered with these sand balls each low tide.

a sand bubbler crab brings another sand ball out of its hole
picture of crab
sand bubbler crabs and their sand balls cover the beach
picture of crab
we even sighted the North American Molestache
picture of molestache

There are more pictures of fish and other sea life on this page:
swimming and underwater photos from Thailand


Thats right, not just critters, but plants too.

ficus tree root buttresses
picture of tree root buttresses
I really liked the root buttresses
picture of tree root buttresses

panorama from an overlook (this one with the polarizer)
another Railay panorama
panorama from an overlook (this one without the polarizer)
another Railay panorama
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