Tom Grundy's Bird Pictures Page

As the title suggests, this page is for the birds, or more specifically the pictures of birds I have taken... As my cameras and lenses have gone from a point and shoot to a point and shoot with a better zoom to a Canon dslr with a cheapo 300mm zoom to a Pentax K5 with an ok 300 mm zoom to a Pentax K3 with a pretty good 150-500mm zoom the pics have gotten a bit better. Having a good vantage point or going to a target rich environment like the Salton Sea or Everglades doesn't hurt either...

My identifications are a hopefully educated guess and if you know better I am open for suggestions. Also some of the locations I am certain of, but for some of the older ones I am not so sure. If I haven't listed the location, then they are likely in or near the Owens Valley.

crows mobbing a hawk
picture of bird
crows mobbing a hawk
picture of bird
crows mobbing a hawk
picture of bird
humming bird (flagstaff)
picture of bird
Mallard duck coming in for a landing
picture of bird
Mallard duck coming in for a landing
picture of bird
Mallard duck extending landing gear
picture of bird
Mallard duck landing
picture of bird
Raven on a raft in the Grand Canyon
picture of bird
Raven in the Grand Canyon
picture of bird
baby birds near Buckskin Gulch, AZ/UT
picture of bird
rooster head
picture of bird
picture of bird
domestic Turkey
picture of bird
Nashville Warbler? (Kentucky)
picture of bird

Tufted Titmouse (Kentucky)
picture of bird
California condor flying
picture of bird
California condor flying
picture of bird
California condor flying
picture of bird
California condors on a ledge in the Grand Canyon
picture of bird
picture of bird
hawk in Florida
picture of bird
hawk in Tuolumne
picture of bird
Red-Tailed hawk
picture of bird
Hornbill in Thailand
picture of bird
gull attacking
picture of bird
Great Blue Heron with a fish (Flagstaff)
picture of bird
Turkey vulture at Devils Tower
picture of bird
Turkey vulture
picture of bird
Turkey vulture
picture of bird
Turkey vulture (Gold Wall, CA)
picture of bird
White-Faced ibis (Flagstaff)
picture of bird
hawk eating (Needham, MA)
picture of bird
picture of bird
hawk taking off
picture of bird
hawk and Kestrel
picture of bird
Ostrich head (Kuala Lumpur zoo)
picture of bird
Pigeon on Devils Tower
picture of bird
owl (if anyone knows what kind, I'd like to know)
picture of bird
owl (if anyone knows what kind, I'd like to know)
picture of bird

Shag or Cormorant (Ushuaia, Argentina)
picture of bird
House Finch
picture of bird
Osprey at New Melones Lake
picture of bird
Osprey at Mono Lake
picture of bird
yellow bird hiding in a willow
picture of bird
cropped in on yellow bird hiding in a willow (Wilson's Warbler)
picture of bird
American Coot
picture of bird
pre-birds in the alpine tundra
picture of bird
Black-Necked Stilt at the Salton Sea
picture of bird
Bullock's Oriole
picture of bird
Canada Goose head
picture of bird
picture of bird
female Western Tanager
picture of bird
flying Great Blue Heron (Moab, UT)
picture of bird
Common or American Egret head
picture of bird
flying hawk
picture of bird
flying hawk battle
picture of bird
flying White-Faced Ibis
picture of bird
Lesser Goldfinch
picture of bird
flying Magnificent Frigatebird (Bahamas)
picture of bird
Marsh Wren
picture of bird
Mocking Bird
picture of bird
cropped in on Mocking Bird
picture of bird
Phainopepla (Imperial NWR)
picture of bird
Ring-Necked Ducks
picture of bird
rufous-sided towhee (evidently these have been split into Spotted and Eastern Towhee, this is a Spotted)
picture of bird
Spotted Towhee
picture of bird
Violet-Green Swallow channels a fat penguin on a Mono Lake tufa iceberg
picture of bird
Violet-Green Swallow prepares to take off
picture of bird
Western Tanager
picture of bird
Verdin (Sonny Bono Salton Sea NWR)
picture of bird
picture of bird
picture of bird
Yellow-Headed Blackbird
picture of bird
Cactus Wren - at Red Rocks near Vegas
picture of bird
White-Crowned Sparrow - at Red Rocks near Vegas
picture of bird
Audubon's Warbler
picture of bird
Red-Shouldered Hawk
picture of bird
Black-throated Gray Warbler
picture of bird
White Pelican and Double-crested Cormorant. pelicans sure seem like pterosaurs
picture of bird
Mallard Duckling - one of 19
picture of bird
and another duckling
picture of bird
Western Tanager in a cherry tree
picture of bird
Kea - New Zealand mountain parrot - Hump Ridge, South Island, NZ
picture of bird
Raven - a rescue raven
picture of bird
Eared Grebe
picture of bird
Wilson's Warbler (female?)
picture of bird
Tibetan Snowcock (near Gorakshep, Nepal)
picture of bird
Tibetan Snowcock (near Gorakshep, Nepal)
picture of bird
picture of bird
Bufflehead male
picture of bird
American Widgeon
picture of bird
Mallard duck on thin ice
picture of bird
California Quail
picture of bird
California Quail
picture of bird
Red-Tailed hawk
picture of bird
Red-Tailed hawk
picture of bird
picture of bird
high altitude hawk (over 14,000ft)
picture of bird
Red-Shouldered hawk
picture of bird
Red-Shouldered hawk flying
picture of bird
Mute Swan (Needham, Ma)
picture of bird
picture of bird
picture of bird
Great Blue Heron preparing for landing
picture of bird
Great Blue Heron landing on a branch
picture of bird
Great Blue Heron couple on nest
picture of bird
Red-Tailed hawk above
picture of bird
Red-Tailed hawk aborting a landing
picture of bird
Osprey overhead
picture of bird
owl and raven
owl 0, raven 1 - note feathers flying
great horned owls in an old mine in the tungsten hills
a red-tailed hawk with probably a gopher snake

bald eagle
cropped in on bald eagle head
great blue heron
cropped in on great blue heron head

The next series of pics are from the west coast of Florida

Brown Pelican with a fish
picture of bird
Red-breasted Merganser female
picture of bird
Red-breasted Merganser male
picture of bird

The next series of pics are from the Everglades - Shark Valley

Anhinga or snake-bird "drying" itself in the rain
picture of bird
Anhinga or snake-bird
picture of bird
Turkey Vulture
picture of bird
Roseate Spoonbill
picture of bird
Purple Gallinule
picture of bird
Purple Gallinule in a tree
picture of bird
Green Heron
picture of bird
wading Great Blue Heron
picture of bird

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