panoramic of Red Rocks Canyon Conservation Area at sunrise
Tom Grundy's Red Rocks 2008 Page
In January of 2008 I fled the cold northeast for the cold southwest. Then I went to Red Rocks, near Las Vegas Nevada. At least during the day it was mostly warm and sunny there, although there were a few cloudy cold days too. I went with Julie, and after a day and a half of climbing, we took a detour to Bishop to pick up her little trailer. Then we were joined by Ted and Tim. Lots of sport climbing on sandstone ensued. I wasn't as strong as I was at the end of the Kentucky stay, but I still managed to thrutch my way up a lot of climbs. A good time was had by all at least some of the time. We went to a number of areas including the gallery and wall of confusion, stratocaster and running man walls, sunny and steep, sweet pain wall, and the trophy. I also got to play with my new camera and telephoto lens.
Ted on "Running Man"
I'm a sucker for a cool reflection
Ted on "Running Man"
Ted on something at Sunny and Steep
I swing out while cleaning "the Trophy"
(Tim took the pic)
we even took the time to head down to the strip to take a peek at some of the excesses there. What a bizarre place. Among other things, they have even taken to putting billboards on trucks and driving them around. What a horrendously brilliant idea (as if the traffic and pollution wasn't bad enough already). When there was low cloud cover, the reflected lights from the strip were at least as bright as a full moon.
The strip really puts out a lot of light
Nearly full moon with the telephoto
I went back to Red Rocks in February for some more climbing with Julie. Lots of crimpy stuff as well as steep jug hauls, Filipino food, cold wind, and warm sunshine.
Hoover Dam at night
Julie reaches for the moon
Then I headed back to Red Rocks again after a bit in Flagstaff and working in Vegas (working in Vegas page). This time I was climbing at various times with Julie, Derek, Dawn, Kim, and Craig. I climbed a number of days on and got really worked.
Andy walks a slack cable
Shadow on the approach gully
Dawn is a rock star at Sunny and Steep
then she fell...
Climbing makes Dawn strong...(do you have your tickets?)